Bardos Thodol Works

Most of these products have options for print variations, customizations, or mutations. 

 Leave us a message during your purchase or contact us if you’d like something customized that isn’t currently available.

All orders currently have free shipping.

Each of these works, or their connected NFTs, has a unique hex number attached to it based on the individual NFT’s blockchain ID or order of purchase. These hex numbers have barcodes in the form of physical QR codes and digital unlockables, that link to not only it’s own website page, it’s also used to activate the minting of a ‘LeveL’ token that has game mechanisms built into the metadata. The code will typically be one-time use which can only be redeemed by the current holder of the token through our website by scanning the physical QR code or redeeming the digital unlockable. Until the full release, any barcode simply redirects to the LeveL page. Meanwhile, these hex barcodes will follow the item around everywhere they go, much in the way the blockchain tracks tokens. For more information about game development visit LeveL.

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Nfts. Also.

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