Bardos Thodol Works

Take care of your 🫀 and health.

Product/store expansion, website maintenance and moving to Arizona 🌞


After a 4 day trip, many tours, and strategic maneuvering, I’ve applied for a place in Arizona for my cat and I. Coming back to both the cold, bitter essence that resides here and the compromised heating system, I’m excited to say the least.

~ Bardos

Current Article

“We are born from fire.”

Elder Echo

Balances IMG


Balances is the sixth NFT from ‘The Alchemy Diaries’ NFT collection.

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Found Street Art
Bardos Thodol Works

Found Art – Collection 1

The first collection of found art, including street art, graffiti, tags, and paintings found in the wild by Bardos Thodol Works.

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NFT non-fungible tokens concept - Adobe Stock

My View On NFTs

Perusals through some possibilities of what the blockchain could do from a un-biased viewpoint.

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~ Bardos Thodol Works accepts traditional payment methods, crypto-currencies, and many different alternative payment methods.  Choose your option at Checkout or visit the specific product, NFT, or service for more information.  ~

Some NFTs we make/videos on this site are rendered then posted in H.265. It’s a newer file format for videos. Because of this, some browsers will not play the videos (without the appropriate codec). Most video on this site is H.264 by this point, but if our animations won’t play here or on exchanges, that’s likely what’s happening.

~ BTW does not use AI to directly generate artwork or operate this website, but does use AI integrated hardware for better computer performance ~



19″ x 13″ print unlocked + shipped for free upon NFT purchase

‘Shoshana, Herald of Dawn’


Prints available for purchase in the store

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