Opening I
Opening I is an original pencil and charcoal drawing completed by Bardos in 2013 exploring sacred geometry and it’s creation.

Alice In Wonderland Mural
Alice In Wonderland inspired mural painted on a friends garage. Made with a combination of acrylic and spray paint.

Frozen Lake Painting
A Bob Ross inspired oil painting made as a secret Santa present for a friend’s newly born baby in 2020.

Patience Painting
Patience is a very early painting that represents the struggle of time, pain, and perseverance to reach a treasured goal.

Deaths Doge Radio #86.9
A role played during our time of earthly quarantine to design something better in the future from something far in the past.

Faces Into Faces Drawing
An early stage drawing exploring facial construction, shading and the transformation of pencil strokes into form.

Abducted Drawing
Early stage charcoal drawing made at the time of Ram Dass’ passing detailing perceptual links between death, meditation and ET abduction.

Apples Drawing
Apples is an extremely early drawing generated from imagination and a need to explore the visual pattern of closely repeating lines.

Soul Eater Alice Illustration
Illustration started at a Summer Camp Music Festival and finished in Salem, MA detailing a vision of the past and future.

Cork It Mixed Media
The refraction from BTW’s experience interacting with the tech industry as a fledgling small business and artist.

Eye Catcher Drawing
A drawing of a lovely lady that caught my eye. Created with charcoal and pencil. The first completed portrait/drawing of a person.

Great North Painting
A painting started at Great North Music and Arts Festival in Maine and eventually finished in Massachusetts.

Light Keeper, Shadow Griefer Illustration
An illustration of binds overwrapped with shadow lit with a polarized sun disguising a hidden kingdom.

Metatron’s Cube Drawing
Classic Metatron’s Cube, crafted by connecting the center of every circle in the Fruit of Life. A rite of passage and the first key.

Olde Illustration
Olde is an early illustration experimenting in reversing the creative flow from color to form as opposed to applying color to form.

Penciled Mandala Drawing
The earliest iteration of sacred geometry that still exists in the BTW archives made with a compass and colored pencils.

Bardos Toy Burner Illustration
First step into graffiti style artwork and blending markers, combining techniques picked up in the Olde illustration.

Strange Dreams Illustration
An illustration of a strange dream that was had while living in Salem, MA. An apparent foretelling of future events.

Sketch Exercises
A pencil exercise exploring the different basic weights of pencils and graphite and their different marks made on paper..

Planting Seeds Painting
The original Planting Seeds painting made from acrylic and spray paint. A very early attempt at painting.

Practice Painting
A very early painting registering my position in the sphere of learning as a starter and gifted to a friend. Acrylic on canvas.

Puzzle Prism Painting(s)
A series of 4 interlocking canvas’ that rotate to form different patterns within the shapes and colors that create one total piece.

The Corner
‘The Corner’ is a study of angle, proportion and realism as well as a comment on environment in the moment by Bardos.