Bardos Thodol Works


Non-fungible tokens or NFTs available through Bardos Thodol Works. There are multiple collections, most collections have corresponding physical artwork. Any artwork that makes it out of this digital realm and physically manifests can be found in BTWs Store. Each NFT, as well as any product sold through BTWs has it’s own barcode in addition to it’s blockchain ID that’s generated and privately saved. These unique barcodes will eventually be redeemable for tokens that have mechanisms built into them, for a game currently in development.

BTWs Official Wallet: BardosThodolWorks – 0x2e67e8bcd898b014ee48dd89240161911b48a96c

Bardos’ Original Wallet: BTWs – 0x408350Da75214062322987C74522B3c1712560eF

 I minted ‘Bardos’, ‘Evolution Of Orphi’ and ‘Co-mission’ collections through the original wallet, updates to collections happen through the same account that created them to keep the collections consistent. I minted ‘RegEdit’ through the Official Wallet as will be all future collections. Henceforth, all Bardos Thodol Works’ assets are kept and traded using BTWs Official Wallet.

I have a few ideas that incorporate digital tokens that’ll eventually evolve this space into Web 3.0. The only thing slowing me down is $, which is typical. I don’t need hand outs but feel free to purchase my artwork if you like it. Every bit turns the wheel a little bit more.

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Nfts. Also.

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