Bardos Thodol Works

Crypto Alchemist Deck

“As the golden age of data, machine learning, neural networks, and electrical mastery dawned upon man, there were shifts from the old ways and Orders to adapt themselves into the technological future. As ancient laws crashed against the exponentially expanding tide of circuitry and robotics, new and radical forms of creation and destruction birthed themselves upon the unknowing population. Some brave souls attempted to tread these waters, for great good and great evil. Only one thing can be certain, the experiments shan’t ever end.”

This is the opening deck for our LeveL game and the first booster deck in general. The tokens are currently being developed and therefore published as the artwork and basic ideas are completed, often sporadically.

Our general Deck design has 70 game tokens, with a Leader that affects everything else. The deck is broken up into playable characters, which’ll be able to fight, use items and effects. The playable landscape is controlled by Area tokens that affect the environment. Then assorted Spells/Magic/Traps/Affects that can work in tandem with characters or in the background on their own. Lastly there are the energy tokens, which power everything.

More information to be made available as development progresses.

The individual tokens below most likely have animations or audio, visit their page for full media and information.

Individual Tokens

Each of these NFTs (or physical products) has a unique hex number attached to them, stored in a private database, given based upon the order in which they’re purchased. Prints + merch at this point forward will have a physical QR code on it that’ll eventually link to not only it’s own website page, it’ll also be used to redeem a token. “Barcodes” will eventually be used to mint and activate separate digital tokens that have game mechanisms built into them, the code will only be redeemable by the current holder of the token or by physical QR code. Until the full release, any code will simply redirect to the LeveL page.

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Nfts. Also.

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