Bardos Thodol Works

Hyper-Digital Projection Channeler , Fayth

Related Products:

Creator Info

Artist/Collaborators: Bardos

Company: Bardos Thodol Works

Contact: BTW’s Contact Page

Social Media:

NFT Metadata

Creation Wallet: TBR

Mint Location: TBR

Chain: Ethereum

Contract Address: TBR

Token ID: 


Time Minted: TBR

Creation Info

Physical Location: Lexington, Massachusetts

Editions Minted: TBR

Number in Collection: #2

Creation Method: ~

Dimensions:  Originally 4845 x 4845 px


“Without Fayth, transitioning data to and from the spiritual realms would be impossible.

Related Works

NFTs: ~

LeveL Tokens: ~

Each of these products, NFTs, or prints has a unique hex number attached to them given based upon the order in which they’re purchased. Prints + merch at this point forward will have a physical QR code on it that’ll eventually link to not only it’s own website page, it’ll also be used to redeem a token. Barcodes will be used to activate separate digital tokens that have game mechanisms built into them, the code will only be redeemable by the current holder of the token or by physical QR code. Until the full release, any code will simply redirect to the LeveL page. Meanwhile, these hex barcodes will follow the item around everywhere they go, much in the way the blockchain tracks tokens. Codes generally have a one time use, however tokens may have infinite uses. For more information about game development visit LeveL.

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Nfts. Also.

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