Bardos Thodol Works


I finally figured out how to make and edit a post. Like everything else I do it took much longer than expected.

eforestheart 2022

My name is Bardos.


One of my names is anyway. You can also call me Nate. I’ve been Bardos since 2012 after reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead and having, let’s call it, an epiphany of sorts. Bardo translates from sanskrit into the ‘Intermediary State’ between death and rebirth. Plural, the meaning becomes intermediary states or moments of change, which broken down can mean every single period of time that’s ever existed or will exist. Call me a romantic, you’d be right.

At the same time, the original idea was born for this business. A self started, vertically integrated media production company. A place to share creative ideas, trade artwork, and become a platform where other artists can get a crash course in being an artist in the business world. I’m happy to say this has been quite successful so far.

Just like my personality, my artwork reflects the consistent changing of states from death into life back to life into death, and the constant struggle of humanity to make it through this both real and metaphorical process to end up in a better place than before. 

I borrowed the Ouroboros in the form of Orphi as BTWs symbol, for it mirrors this process flawlessly, which I see ingrained in every fabric of existence.

Plus, serpents and dragons are cool.

Cartoon Orphi by Bardos

To be very particular without going into too much backstory, I dipped a toe into making artwork as a child with piano and drum lessons but they never really took. I then picked up a saxophone for three years until getting an acoustic guitar for my birthday at 14. I was a miserable player up until the age of 17 when I started taking psychedelic mushrooms. Don’t get me wrong, after eating mushrooms I was still a terrible musician, and my doodles were formless masses but the mushrooms made me so interested in experiencing artwork and recreating it, I developed an obsession that still lingers today.

At the age of 18 I started to beatbox after seeing some videos online of other people making tunes with their mouths that sounded like electronic music, which I had discovered a couple years prior. I didn’t really make a decision, I saw some examples and had to be able to do what these people were doing just to be able to do it. Very quickly I developed an addiction, it was good for my oral fixation and incredibly fun. I initially watched some tutorials but very quickly went off on my own to figure out what my voice could make.

Over years of constant practice and training, it’s been developed like a second language that I honestly speak more fluently than English sometimes, even after long periods of inactivity. If I could give anyone advice, especially moving into a musical lifestyle, learn how to beatbox. It makes people unbelievably musical and allows for easy translation of musical thoughts into sound and vice versa. It’s incredible for your health and lungs, you end up doing yogic breathing techniques just from making music without even realizing it. It’s endlessly helpful, not to mention the understanding of language it implies as you breakdown speech into noise more. Even more so once you rebuild that noise back into speech.

I began playing the guitar more, producing, and live looping. All still awful at this point but it was helpful to plant the seeds of understanding. At the age of 19 I had the experience I mentioned earlier where I was given new name. That experience caused me to make a full 180 turn in the direction of making artwork. I had gone to a couple festivals and started going to shows and found something in the events and community I had never felt before. The artwork changed my perception of what life was and could be, I only ever wanted to contribute to that energy.

I started making music non-stop, not with any goal in mind but just with the thought process “If I practice endlessly for 10 years, by the time I’m 30, I’ll be good enough to start making a living off it.” With no thought of how good I was, or needing to show my work to anyone, I practiced. Endlessly. I started to sketch more, and paint, attempting to branch out into visual arts because I enjoyed it just as much as music.

I did this for 4 years at home, avoiding traditional college before moving into a shared apartment in Salem, MA. I lived in Salem for 5 years, living a real life, working, paying bills, going out with friends, hanging out. I never stopped making music or artwork. It slowly developed in the background as I gained real life experiences and small bits of information and technique here and there. 

Eventually my time ended there after entering into a relationship with someone. This was probably the most unproductive time of my life, as we weren’t necessarily healthy for each other. But we tried anyway, eventually it ended, and after recovering from the loss of living with someone for 2 years, picked myself back up back at my parents home.

After completing an online training course, I ended up getting a job working as a dispensary technician in Brookline, MA, which was a wonderful experience. It helped me regain the motivation to continue working, continue making things, and keep interacting with people.

After a year at the dispensary, through two corporate buy-outs, covid arrived and with it my job at the dispensary soon came to an end, which was probably for the best. I left that job with the goal and desire to finally polish and start working on the business I had dreamed up so many years ago. I filed my business with the Town I live in, hoisted my sails with my tiny, un-stocked ship and set sail for adventures. Even after more than 10 years, I never lost sight of my goal. That’s how I’ve made it this far, maybe that’s the real lesson here.


The rest of that story is still happening right before our eyes. What you see before you is simply where I’ve ended up, and more specifically, what I’ve decided to post online. I could very easily be uploading constantly, as everything I make is essentially free-styled. I plan on doing this in the future but that has been, up until this point, impossible. To avoid any issues with my business or groups that I may or may not be having, this artwork is the basis for my career. This combination of music and visuals has only just started to synthesize. I’m quite happy and excited with what I have in store, what I have planned for this business and my artwork. If you’re here with me, I’m happy to have you on this journey, and to be a part of yours.

Maybe I can influence you to make artwork in the same way I have been so influenced, if that energy can rekindle itself in someone else, then my job will be complete.

-Bardos A.K.A. ‘Nate’

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