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Creation Info
Date: April – October 2023
Location: Lexington, Massachusetts
Materials: Charcoal, Pencil, Drawing Paper
Methods: Freehand, Constructed Viewport
Dimensions: 14 x 11 in
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Personal results with exercises from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
~Exercise names needed~
The first exerices in the book, of the sitting man and knight on the horse, are upside down contour transfer exercises of already existing artwork, in which one recreates an image through flipping an image upside down and copying line without thought of form, to practice proportions and angle.
The ‘Pre-Test’ is a check of current drawing levels, before shading and negative space work, by drawing a fictional character from imagination and a self- sketch of the hand.
The contour of the hand is looking at your hand through a viewport and matching the view on paper, focusing on the folds and lines.
The chair exercise is drawing a still-life of a chair only using the negative spaces as opposed to drawing the figure of the chair based on it’s physical boundaries, to practice proportion and angle with artistic sight.
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