Bardos Thodol Works


The BTW community is at its fetal stage, considering the founder is shadow-banned from Facebook and Instagram, all the past connections BTW would now utilize were also shadow-banned at the same time, so we’re starting from scratch. We’ve started on-boarding members to this website, with registration sign ups available here

There are currently two account choices, Audience or Artist. Artists need to be verified before acceptance, as they’ll eventually have permissions to upload their own content onto our site, while Audience members are simply viewers. We’ll be offering promotions for creating accounts directly with us in the next following months, as well as start hosting giveaways for members

Our user accounts are basic, we’ll be developing a front-end with more customizable user profiles as time goes on, it’s a side-quest so to speak

After some development, this page will be a portal to all of our community hubs and social media outlets

We officially have our Patreon up and running at:

There are currently three membership tiers available: Base, Airdrop, and Print, if you’d like to support us in exchange for monthly drops of some of our creations

All membership tiers unlock a permanent 20% discount code to our Store

Our official Discord channel if you want to chat, hang out, or have a question

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