Bardos Thodol Works


“You always know the creative because it is revealed openly. Concealment betrays the existence of another force entirely.” – God-Emperor of Dune

This is a video explanation as to what all the drama’s about on my one Twitter account and why all this Evidence was collected in the first place. This webpage is a tiny amount of our evidence, and only a fraction of our experience.

Uploaded July 31, 2023

Since the Spring of 2021, my Social Media accounts have gained restrictions that will not allow them to grow organically or to even grow at all. I was given no reasons. It began on Instagram and has subsequently followed me to almost every platform on the internet. This is the evidence of the ongoing issues I’m facing as a result of these restrictions, as well as the real world problems I’m facing for being outwardly vocal about what’s happening on my end. 

It’s sporadic right now, I’ll try to organize it into a legible timeline as I continue to add the actual evidence from the past couple years. I am collecting evidence because this is illegal. From direct observation, the tech companies and groups responsible for censorship on the internet are ‘canceling’ individuals and groups without cause or justification. They then proceed to keep them in that state without their knowledge, affecting relations, sales, and state of mind. On top of that, the simple fact that the majority of social media platforms are behaving in autonomy with one another behind the scenes highly indicates a closed door monopoly.

Hopefully this will make more sense as I explain it. This is very much me defending my life. 

To the people doing this:

You are not better than us, or entitled to more freedoms because you can hack into our network like this. You are not more succesful than us because you can hack into our network like this. You’re certainly more criminally inclined but that’s about it. The fact that there aren’t protections for this in modern day 2024, which amounts to a group abusing their unadulterated access to a certain popular ISP, is continually outrageous and we’re certainly still getting legal counsel. You are not winning in a fake competition with us because you’re sabotaging our entire business and life. No matter how many times you do shit like this, you’re only proving a point that is your eventual self-destruction, we can only help you people so much.

We haven’t been genuinely angry from any of this, even one time. Ignoring the fact alone that this is the purpose of their entire existence, you’re program is broken.

We don’t care if you’re making fun of this being “our quote” and comparing it to the one’s you deleted off our website. We don’t care about your sad political games or your constant attempts to defame us subliminally to others.

From my experience as a business being shadow banned: When I declared the beginning of my business and intent to monetize, which was taking a personal Instagram account of 7 years then changing it to a professional art account, I noticed my reach going down, which is detailed above. As my reach declined, I noticed a new phenomenon which was that of promoter accounts spamming my posts.

As I was receiving less views and reactions for doing more sophisticated works in which the artwork was being corrupted, I was simultaneously being pressured into the ingrained promotion system detailed below here. After the fact, and in hindsight, there is an undeniable connection between the two. I have a theory that the shadow-banning system is being used artificially, and without warrant, to put businesses or monetized accounts into “jail” while pressuring them into paying into the promotion system. I also have a theory that the promotion system is somehow integrated into the platform itself, but will allow the reader to decide for themselves. 

‘The Big Short’ is a great movie regardless of some of the unknowingly “biased” content planted throughout, the comparisons between this system and what we see in that movie are scarily mirroring one another.

Calling people or platforms out that offer services or jobs that DO NOT DO THEM CORRECTLY should not be something that can get you a trailing technology ban that follows you around every where you go. I believe they are simply trying to piss me off right now, if I become outwardly aggressive it will prove their bullshit correct. So I will remain here, pointing EVERYTHING out. When this eventually goes to court, which it’s looking like, this is literally all the evidence. I didn’t put myself here, they have been backing me into a corner for years.

 When I say ‘They’ I’m talking specifically about Social Media Tech giants and families/groups who are so heavily invested in them they are basically their glorified tools.

As an artist, affecting the quality of my artwork as I put it out to the public is disgusting and criminal. This has been happening for years only on my SM accounts. The reason why I’ve claimed restraint of trade. You can’t do this to artists. You can’t do this to businesses. There is literally no excuse for this especially after forking over money for higher video resolution.

Understanding Image Quality + Resolution

We’re sharing two styles of video player to show that any website easily has the capability to directly change the outward quality of videos. We recommend going full screen for these to actually be able to see what we’re talking about.

(Also because we seem to be getting errors on these particular videos trying to play them occasionally)

Part 1

Shortcode Videos

Adjustable quality/ borders

Inline Video Widget

One quality

Part 2

λs I sit here waiting on the 4425th/4800th frame to render out for a video, I find myself probing what kind of content to fill this space with. My issue, typically, is that I have too many ideas too quickly to really get them all out concretely myself. Flinging them into the great wide unknown seems to be the best direction for a lot of it. But what would you put up if you had a space generally ‘free’ to say whatever you wanted? What kind of information would you put out? How would you put it out? I’ve spent most of my life off social media, experiencing life directly because honestly I feel far better the more time I spend off it. As I dive into it at this point in my life I notice a very consistent lack of actual self-opinionated dialog. Would you foster an open dialog or keep it cryptic? Would you care about other’s opinions and responses or throw caution to the wind? Would you care if nobody was watching? Information is a valuable thing and can also be a dangerous thing. Words can bite like bullets. Small ideas can change the world. I ask these questions not because I expect a response but because I can see the ideas ripple up our collective tree of thought.  As if I’m playing the roots like a drum set. What would you say if you had absolutely NO restrictions? And if you have to search for that answer at all……….. Is that not a tragedy? 

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