Bardos Thodol Works

Books / Reading Lists

The Collected Current Readings

Extended Book List – for those looking for something to read, for something to learn –

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Some Quotes That Made BTW

“Alas! When the uncertain experiencing of Reality is dawning upon me here, with every thought of fear or terror or awe for all set aside, May I recognize whatever visions appear as reflections of mine own consciousness;

May I know them to be of the nature of apparitions in the Bardo; When at this all important moment of opportunity of achieving a great end, May I not fear the bands of Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, mine own thought-forms.”

-Tibetan Book of the Dead, English Translation

“A dream you dream alone may be a dream, but a dream two people dream together is a reality.”

-Yoko Ono

“Tea is in my opinion a phantasticum, coffee an energeticum – tea therefore possesses a disproportionally higher artistic rank. I notice that coffee disrupts the delicate lattice of light and shadows, the fruitful doubts that emerge during the writing of a sentence. One exceeds his inihibitions. With tea, on the other hand, the thoughts climb genuinely upward.”

-Ernst Jünger

“What sort of space is that which seperate a man from his fellows and makes him solitary? I have found that no exertion of the legs can bring two minds much closer together (nearer to one another).”

Henry David Thoreau

“Even so large as the universe outside is the universe within the lotus of the heart. Within it are heaven and earth, the sun and the moon, the lightning and all the stars. whatever is in the macrocosm is in the microcosm also.”

-Chandogya Upanishad

“He fled the light and the knowledge the light implied, and so came back to himself. Even so do the rest of us; even so the best of us.”

– The Gunslinger
The Dark Tower Series
Stephen King

“The only escape is forward.”

-Terence Mckenna

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